Surely having seen that this channel was called Nintendo, you thought it was real It turns out that this is not Nintendo's channel, but another copy This channel has less than 10,000 subscribers, and the official Nintendo channel has more than 10 million subscribers The latest Tweets from Splatoon Community OOC (@SplatoonCommOOC) Content is NOT owned by me unless I specify, ALL POSTS ON HERE ARE NOT MADE TO ATTACK PEOPLE Feel free to send in any splatoon/splat source cringe via DMs formerly @SplatAgedPoorlyスプラトゥーン2のコミュニティサイト イカナカマ2 に登録しているチーム一覧です。 新規登録・ログイン プレイヤー チーム イベント スプラトゥーン2の気になるチームがあったらいいね!()したり参加申請してみよう! おすすめの絞り込み条件 おすすめ順 登録が新しい 更新が新しい

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Over 15,000 Splatoon fans from around the world have come to discuss this fantastic game with over 150,000 posts!Thought we'd help explain the communityto the communityJoin our discord serverhttps//discordgg/kYb95GAlso, you know, thanks for watchingYou are currently viewing our boards as a visitor Click here to sign up right now and start on your path in the Splatoon community!
Home to squids, kids, and all things octolings Enjoy your stay!I also hate the ones who bash other shooters just because they can, it just makes us seem even worse honestly Nothing is worse than the gmod/sfm community, I legitimately hate them #3 (message deleted) Pizzacat10 3 years ago #4 Definetly gmod Normally I could just ignore it, but it comes upon my homepage as recommended way too This article discusses content that is not part of the official Splatoon series canon but is part of the community or competitive gaming space To do Formatting, images, more definitions, sources edit This page is a collection of terms coined or used by the community While some are most popular inside the community only, others are used in other gaming communities, or

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NAME HERE on behalf of splatoon community Contact Fundraiser About The Trevor Project The Trevor Project is the world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people We work to save young lives by providing support through free andWe are going to host a Splatoon 2 Tournament and offer spots for vendors to sell their Fan Merch, have casual Setups for Private Battles and Salmon Run, and host Cosplay and LGBTQIA Meetings!Splatoon 2 Mods & Resources by the Splatoon 2 Modding Community Inksplatting action is back and fresher than ever Get hyped for the sequel to the hit game about splatting ink and claiming turf, as the squidlike Inklings return in a colorful and chaotic 4 vs 4 action shooter For the first time, take Turf War battles onthego via local

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作成者 Femboy Slogstin This time i made a few recolors for the Hydra Splatling This texture pack contains Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Orange, White and Black/Dark Grey (and i know, black is a bit cheap, i'm sorry ;;) If you don't know, how to use custom texturesWelcome to SquidBoards, the largest forum dedicated to Splatoon!Create an event Set up tickets, merchandise, and multiple tournaments Create a community Effortlessly host

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Let's get hyped for Splatoon 3 together and find out who will go down in historyCheck out the 🌺Splatoon Community ① ⓷🌺 community on Discord hang out with 1,756 other members and enjoy free voice and text chatSplatoon is a upcoming 23 computer animated/live action adventure comedy film directed by Jordan Peele Based on the 15 video game of the same name It is the first DreamWorks animated/live action film Splatoon was originally scheduled to be released on in the United States, produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures, and in

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Splatoon Hydra Splatling textures!Welcome to SquidBoards, the largest forum dedicated to Splatoon!Leaving the splatoon community 4403K views Discover short videos related to leaving the splatoon community on TikTok Watch popular content from the following creators splatoon and apex edits‼️😋(@sourrkai), 98 days until splat 3(@agent32enjoyer), Starstruck 😌💫(@squidstar), ♛☺︎Z3r0☻♛(@l00king_f0r_0ka_), Kurah 😹

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An allnew Splatoon game is hitting our screens very soon, which means all new stages are also coming along with the release Splatoon 3 will be released in the summer of 22 for the NintendoThe RCADIA Gaming House presents its very first Splatoon Fan Weekend!When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted

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The Japanese Splatoon Community Has No Sense Of Humor At All Splatoon Amino

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Yes, 🌺Splatoon Community ① ⓷🌺 is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environmentTournaments Events Communities Organize Create a tournament Got a game with friends?87 6 splatoon 2 octoling glasses Minecraft Skin 5 2 waifu_png_pl • 2 months ago 137 16 splatoon 1 octoling goggles Minecraft Skin

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Splatoon 3 global testfire is official!!The latest tweets from @SplCommunityUKCheck out the Splatoon 3 community on Discord hang out with 33,457 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat Check out the Splatoon 3 community on Discord hang out with 33,457 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat You've been invited to join Splatoon 3 7,633 Online 33,458 Members Username Continue Already have an account?

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Contact Fundraiser About The Trevor Project The Trevor Project is the world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ)Splatoon Community raising money for the LGBTQIA communities!🌺Splatoon Community ① ⓷🌺 1,760 members We are a friendly, active Splatoon Server for Splatoon 1, 2 and 3 We do Nitro Giveaways and Customfests once a month View Join s splatcade 153 members is for splatoon fans View Join IA Inkbrush Academy 809 members Your all in one Splatoon server, whether that'd be artistic, competitive, or just for fun We have you

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Splatoon Mods & Resources by the Splatoon Modding Community Games Splatoon Main Sections Mods 178 Requests 11 Questions 9 Sounds 9 Threads 5 Let's just say that is due recent Youtube and DeviantArt drama involving 2 major, now former , Splatoon Gmodders , these people are Heavy the Squid ( aka Inspector Heavy ) , and Omega the Squid man ( Aka Omegamario) These 2 in last months committed some stuff that are rather disgusting and childish considering that they're GROWN ADULTSThe 🌺Splatoon Community ① ⓷🌺 Discord server was created on , 427 am (1 year, 11 months ago) Is the 🌺Splatoon Community ① ⓷🌺 Discord server SFW?

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『スプラトゥーン に分かれてナワバリバトルを「フェス」は、主に週末や休日に開かれていたことから、コミュニティ の関心を定期的に盛り上げることに成功した 。「フェス」のお題はSNS上でも話題になったことから、結果的にコミュニティ外での知名度の獲得につながった 。 賞 英国This is the Splatoon gmod/sfm Community (ReFounded) More Group Founded 2 Years ago Location Global Group Focus Clean Slate 2 Members 1 Watcher 4 Pageviews Join our Group Send a Note Weekly Stats 0 0 0 0 0 nothing happening nothing happening nothing happening nothing happening nothing happening Latest Favourite Artists Several in the Splatoon community, including Hitzel, encouraged teams that were playing to change their names to support the #FreeMelee hashtag the Melee community had started on Twitter Nintendo then cancelled the live stream due to "unexpected executional challenges" The show of support brought a ton of eyes to the Splatoon community

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/r/splatoon is your one stop shop for all things Splatoon, 1, 2 and now 3! Squid Squad The Splatoon Community When Splatoon was first announced, the colorful shooter made a splash across the internet Nintendo, usually one to shy away from the shooter genre, stumbled upon a smash hit Splatoon might be one of Nintendo's more recent franchises, but both entries hold the sixth spot for bestselling titles in their respective consoles

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